Printmart Group Limited have established since 2003 in Hong Kong and an innovative and cutting edge production house providing all around printing and promotional campaign across multiple verticals.

We are a young team with a fresh perspective; it provides a unique approach and vast domain expertise to its clientele.

We hope that this brief message will commence a fruitful relation, both to yours esteemed established, as well as a productive team, US

本公司由2003年開始便加入香港政府印務署成為供應商行列.拹助政府各部門印製不同產品,得多年經驗 及洽取寶貴意見.始能得到信任及認同,為擴大服務范圍,現盛意寄上本公司簡介一本,希望能為不同機構提供專業服務.

本公司在香港自設廠房,提供一條龍服務,由海報設計,書刊排版,印刷,加工等等都能一手包辦, 無論成本及起貨時間均受控制.






Printmart Group Ltd. offers a full range of services from design to distribution along with quality-focused project management and the reliable support you deserve. We will continue to invest in the technology that allows us to produce results that are far above the industry standards for color and quality.
Address: Unit E, 16/F, Blk 2, 33-35 Yip Kan Street, Kingley Industrial Building, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Fax: 28701878